Why Do I Need a Website?

                    A lot of paperwork which companies spend on can be reduced and it will make the customers and employees work very easy.  The customers expect you to be current with the market and If you have a website there you are. I am sure people will be impressed with it if you leave the website. There is a chance of impressing the customers with good layouts and themes in the website.
              Most of the business these days are totally networking and personal connections where you will need to have a website to represent your company.
More Customers: More than 90% of the customers these days are accessing websites for their purchases online in the last 12 months. By this, it’s clear that you will be missing big time if you do not have one.
Business value: Today people are looking at your business through your website. If you do not have a website and that’s when you fall low in everyone’s eyes. The website represents what your company Is and what it is capable of. It’s like a resume for an employee.
By having one many people follow you and you can educate them through your ideas.
Marketing: Today the internet is open wide and there is a lot to explore. Your website can attract new business by using a whole host of low-cost marketing techniques.
Customer support: Cost of customer support can be reduced by using ticketing system, or having a FAQ on your website.
Beat the big guys: Your website will speak on behalf of you when you are in a position, where you wanted to get into the business, but don’t know how to compete with all the big names out there? An excellent website with a solid strategy behind it can smash the big guys to pieces. Like I said, the website acts like a resume which speaks on behalf of you with some potentially strong words.
Instant credibility: Have you ever had difficulty making that sale? Or convincing someone that you are the real deal. By having a well-structured website, you can foster instant credibility with anyone. You can provide the ultimate proof that you are, in fact, the most real of all deals (couldn’t resist that phrase).
Helps you to find a new job : I bet you didn’t see this one coming. I have been harping on about how a website can help your business, but it can help you personally too. Not only can a website host your resume or CV, but by owning and managing your website you have demonstrated tons of hard and soft skills. Having worked in HR once upon a time, I know it is valuable.
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