YOUTUBE Copyrights:
 How YouTube identify copyrighted material is uploaded to their site? 

            Whether We are an artist, a technologist, a lawyer or a fan, the handling of copyright directly impacts our life. Rights management is no longer simply a question of ownership, it's a complex web of relationships and a critical part of our cultural landscape. YouTube cares deeply about the rights of content owners, but in order to give us choices about what they can do with copies, mashups and more, they need to first identify when copyrighted material is uploaded to our site. Let's look at a specific video so we can see how it works. Two years ago, recording artist Chris Brown released the official video for his single "Forever." A fan saw it on TV, recorded it with her camera phone, and uploaded it to YouTube. Because Sony Music had registered Chris Brown's video in their Content ID system, within seconds of attempting to upload the video, the copy was detected, giving Sony the choice of what to do next. But how do they know that the user's video was a copy? Well, it starts with content owners delivering assets into our database, along with a usage policy that tells us what to do when we find a match. They compare each upload against all of the reference files in their database.
 YouTube's Content ID system addresses all of these cases. But the system only works through the participation of rights owners. If we have content that others are uploading to YouTube, we should register in the Content ID system, and then we'll have the choice about how your content is used. And think carefully about the policies that we attach to that content. By simply blocking all reuse, we'll miss out on new art forms, new audiences, new distribution channels, and new revenue streams.

       This heat map is going to show you how the brain of the system works. Here we can see the original reference file being compared to the user generated content. The system compares every moment of one to the other to see if there's a match. This means that they can identify a match even if the copy used is just a portion of the original file, plays it in slow motion and has degraded audio and video quality. And they do every time that a video is uploaded to YouTube. And that's over 20 hours of video every minute. When they find a match, they apply the policy that the rights owner has set down and the scale and the speed of this system are truly breathtaking.
They are not just saying about a few videos, they’re talking about over 100 years of video every day, between new uploads and the legacy scans will regularly do across all of the content on the site. When they compare those hundred years of video, they're comparing it against millions of reference files in our database. It would be like 36,000 people staring at 36,000 monitors each and every day, without so much as a coffee break.Now, what do we do when we find a match? Well, most rights owners, instead of blocking, will allow the copy to be published. And then they benefit through the exposure, advertising, and linked sales. Remember Chris Brown's video "Forever"? Well, it had its day in the sun and then it dropped off the charts, and that looked like the end of the storyBy empowering choice, they can create a culture of opportunity. And all it took to change things around was to allow for choice through rights identification. So why has no one ever solved this problem before? It's because it's a big problem, and it's complicated and messy. It's not uncommon for a single video to have multiple rights owners. They're musical labels. There're multiple music publishers. And each of these can vary by country. There're lots of cases where they have more than one work mashed together. So we have to manage many claims to the same video.
But it's not just about dollars and impressions. Just look at all the joy that was spread through progressive rights management and new technology. And they think we can all agree that joy is definitely an idea worth spreading

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